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University of Cambridge Decarbonisation Network


Message from Royce@CAmbridge:

Royce@Cambridge is hosting a series of facility tours (or 'Open Hours') at equipment hosted across the Physics, Materials and Engineering Departments. This invite is open to all university students and researchers as well as those working in industry who would like to know more about the Royce Institute funded equipment available at Cambridge University.

Tours last 1hr and include a brief introduction to the work of, and funding available through, the Royce Institute and the opportunity to discuss possible project ideas with the facility manager. Please note that spaces are limited and must be booked in advance.

This year we are running seven tours across the following equipment suites:

Ambient Processing Cluster Facility - 31st May (2-5pm)

3D Bioelectronics Facility - 6th   June (10am-1pm)

3D X-Ray Computer Tomography Facility - 7th June (3-5pm)

Atomic Force Microscopy Facility - 8th June (2-4:30pm)

12T Wide Bore Magnet - 12th June (2-5pm)

E-Beam Facility - 14th June (2-5pm)

Electron Microscopy Facility - 4th July (2-5pm)

Please follow the links above to book a place on the tour.


Please note: The links provided are external to the Decarbonisation Network. We are not responsible for its content.