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University of Cambridge Decarbonisation Network


Event organised by The Sustainability Team, University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge's Environmental Sustainability Team and Whippet invite you to the launch of the new Universal Bus service.

The service, subsidised by the University but open to everyone, will be using a new fleet of 100% electric buses. The route has also been extended to enable Girton, Homerton, Selwyn, Newnham and Wolfson Colleges to have more convenient access to the service, as well as CBC, served at weekends.

With a plethora of new features such as state of the art CCTV, WIFI, USB charging and both visual and audible next stop announcements, the new electric buses have cutting-edge technology and safety features that will make the Universal service more sustainable, accessible, and comfortable!

The event will be taking place at the W Cafe & Bar at the West Hub, JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 0US.

Listen to presentations from key people at the University and Whippet and take a trip on one of the new buses so you can experience the service for yourself. We will celebrate over lunch afterwards!

To register, please use the following link: The New Universal Bus Service Launch Tickets, Fri 29 Sep 2023 at 11:00 | Eventbrite 

Please note: The link provided is external to the Decarbonisation Network. We are not responsible for its content.