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University of Cambridge Decarbonisation Network


Message from the Energy IRC:

You are invited to apply for the Energy IRC Small Grants scheme. Awards of up to £1k are available to support new small collaborative multi-disciplinary projects on the theme of decarbonisation and energy to achieve net zero carbon by 2050.

Examples of activities that the fund might support include: a visit to a data archive relevant to a contemporary energy policy study, an overseas field trip to a developing country to conduct interviews with energy stakeholders, a presentation at an interdisciplinary conference, outreach event etc.

We especially seek to develop partnerships that involve:

  • Any disciplines related to decarbonisation and energy
  • Involve researchers that have not previously been awarded a grant from the Small Grant Scheme
  • Engage early career researchers and PhD students

Anticipated outcomes/outputs

1.           Increase the number of researchers engaged in collaborative decarbonisation and energy activities

2.           Publications with researchers from different departments

3.           Applications for joint funding to a wider range of funders

4.           Engage different disciplines in contributing to decarbonisation and energy research activities

5.           Link to the activities of other SRIs/ IRCs e.g. the Global Challenges and the Public Policy SRIs


Grants will typically support a 1 to 2 month collaboration and the funds will need to be spent by 31 July 2023. Applications will be selected by the Energy IRC. Financial support is from the University of Cambridge's "Knowledge Exchange and Impact award" and should be acknowledged in any outputs from a grant under this scheme.

All completed application forms must be received by 5 May 2023The Call is open to University of Cambridge applicants only.

We particularly welcome applications from BAME students/researchers, women, students with diverse gender identities, and other underrepresented groups. We are also committed to supporting safe and sustainable working practices.

For an application form or for all queries about this call, please contact