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University of Cambridge Decarbonisation Network


The "Data for the Public Good" report published by the National Infrastructure Commission in 2017 highlighted the case for new technologies offering the potential for significant productivity gains. In particular, the report emphasised the potential benefits that could be derived from connected digital twins operating on shared data. This panel session will ask how can digital twins be used to save CO2 in the manufacturing industries? What is currently happening and where are we heading? What are the data needs and where are the bottlenecks? How can we do more and where do the panel see the research needs?


Markus Kraft (Chair), Professor of Chemical Engineering | CARES Director, University of Cambridge

Adam Goves, Sector Lead - Manufacturing and Infrastructure, IES

Simeone Zomer, Scientific Director - Process Analytics, GSK

Peter El Hajj, Infrastructure Advisory at KPMG | Former National Digital Twin programme lead at CDBB.

Sarah Hayes, Climate Resilience Demonstrator (CReDo) Strategic Engagement Lead, Connected Places Catapult

Please find a meeting summary here

Thursday, 23 March, 2023 - 10:00 to 11:00
Event location: 