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University of Cambridge Decarbonisation Network


Digital twins can pair the physical environment with the ‘virtual world’ via a digital duplicate. Panellists will discuss where the use of digital twins can help transportation networks decarbonise, and the challenges and limitations associated with adopting this technology. Inputs from the audience will be welcomed to explore the future direction of Digital Twins in this sector.


Ying Jin (Panel Chair), Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge.

Terry Hill CBE, Arup | Chair of Independent Transport Commission. Terry will draw on the recent findings from the Independent Transport Commission’s research into “Achieving net zero carbon transport in our cities: Key issues for policy makers” and consider how a city digital twin can contribute to success.

Jess Cunningham, Transport Advisor - Strategic Projects, Estates Division, University of Cambridge. Jess will discuss what role Universities can play in Operational Estates fast-tracking delivery through the living lab approach to ensure we reach zero targets and where Universities are collecting data to support this ambition.

Li Wan, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge. Li will discuss the complexity and changing trends of travel demand and the implications for digital twin modelling for decarbonising the transport.

Alexandra Bolton, Independent Consultant | Former Executive Director at Centre for Digital Built Britain. Alexandra will talk about how decarbonisation requires us to take a systems approach, share data, and create an ecosystem of connected digital twins. She will discuss some of the socio-technical challenges, and the need for boundary-spanning, visionary leadership.

Meeting summary can be found here

Friday, 3 March, 2023 - 13:00 to 14:00
Event location: 